Role and Function of the Corporate Services Division (CSD)
The CSD exists to provide a comprehensive integrated human resource and administrative function and combines or consolidates the management of a suite of enterprise wide support needed services. The effective operation of the Division is a significant contributor to the Ministry’s overall performance in achieving its goals and objectives.
The CSD has the following Branches/Units:
Corporate Communications and Public Relations Branch
The Corporate Communications and Public Relations Branch conceptualises and executes the Ministry’s communication strategy and programmes to internal and external publics using a variety of traditional and new media channels. In addition the Unit provides strategic communication advice to the senior management team and manages the public relations component of the Ministry's interaction with international donors and other justice sector stakeholders.
The Unit also leads the coordination of the Ministry’s special events.
Documentation, Information & Access Services (DIAS) Unit
The DIAS Unit exists to offer efficient and effective service to the Ministry in the following areas:
- Records & Information Management
- Mail & Correspondence Management
- Administration of the Access to Information Act, 2002
Administration and Office Services (AOS) Branch
The AOS Branch provides both strategic and operational support to the Ministry by ensuring that the operational services of the Ministry are delivered effectively and efficiently and that the Ministry’s assets are secured and accounted for. In addition, the Branch supports the safety and security objectives and initiatives of the Ministry.
The AOS Branch maintains a robust Customer Service Programme and ensures that the services offered by the Ministry’s frontline staff meet and exceed established standards.
It is the responsibility of the Branch to ensure that the Ministry’s fleet remains operational and responsive.
Human Resource Management and Development Branch
The Human Resource Management and Development Branch is responsible for:
- Collaborating with key stakeholders in reviewing/evaluating Human Resource programmes and functions within the Branch and the Ministry;
- Determining strategic initiatives to maximize human capital and strengthening the human resource capacity within the Branch and the Ministry and
- Administering the personnel programmes of the Ministry of Justice and assigned departments, through personnel compliance; employee relations, health and safety; industrial/labour relations; recruitment and selection; pay and compensation; equal employment opportunity; appointments and records management; benefits administration; provision of advice and counsel to personnel on various types of HR matters and delivery of consistent and equitable system-wide services to enhance employees’ well-being.
Information and Communications Technology Branch
The ICT Branch is mandated to strategically identify and implement cost effective, secure, reliable and efficient ICT Solutions that will drive the operations of the Ministry.
It is the mission of the Branch to develop an ICT architecture that will allow the Ministry to easily access and monitor Agencies and Departments' performances, to automate business processes and information management, to facilitate effective, secure, and transparent data and resource management.
Public Procurement Branch
The Public Procurement Branch is responsible for acquisition of goods, works and services for the Ministry of Justice and by extension, the Government of Jamaica. This function is carried out in strict adherence to the Public Procurement Act 2015 and Public Procurement Regulations 2018 and Government of Jamaica Handbook of Public Sector Procurement Procedures, 2014.
Property, Safety and Security Management Branch
Ensuring the safety of the Ministry's staff, visitors, and the public within its facilities. This is achieved through the development and implementation of safety protocols and procedures, conducting safety assessments, and addressing potential safety hazards. Implementing security measures to protect the Ministry's assets, information, and personnel. This is achieved through the contracting of security personnel, deployment of surveillance systems, access control, and emergency response plans.