Minister's Marriage Licence


Need to obtain a Minister’s Marriage Licence ….

The Minister’s Marriage Licence is granted by the Minister of Justice giving authority to a Marriage Officer to marry a couple (man and woman), in Jamaica, in keeping with the Marriage Act.



  • Both parties must be at least 18 years of age
  • If either party is 16 or 17 years of age, parental consent is required
  • Parties should not be blood relatives
  • Not already legally married to someone else


    A.      Applicant is required to obtain:

  1. A blank Form of Declaration click here
  2. A blank Minister’s Marriage Licence form (Page 2) click here

            Forms are available at the Customer Service Desk, Ministry of Justice, Commerce Gate, 61 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica or may be downloaded from the Ministry’s website.  (Forms MUST be printed on legal size paper).

    B.      Have the Form of Declaration (see sample form) completed by a person (Declarant) who has knowledge of the impending marriage and signed by the Declarant in the presence of a Justice of the Peace (JP) in Jamaica. The Declarant may be a friend or family member. Declarant should sign to the right of the bracket where the JP is designated to sign (see sample form).

Please note that on the Form of Declaration:

  1. ‘Names in full’ mean first, middle, and last name.
  2. ‘Condition’ means bachelor/ spinster/divorced/widow/widower.
  3. ‘Calling’ means occupation.
  4. ‘Dwelling places’ and 'Parishes’ mean local address and parish of both parties. If either of the parties resides abroad, their temporary local address at the time of application or local address while on the island for the wedding can be used.

   C.      On obtaining or printing page 2 of the blank Minister’s Marriage Licence form (DO NOT WRITE/ MARK ANYTHING ON THIS PAGE), take it to the Stamp Duty Office located at 111 Harbour Street, Kingston; pay a stamp duty fee (subject to change) of Four Thousand Jamaican Dollars (JA$4,000.00) for the stamping of the document.

   D.      Return the completed Form of Declaration and the stamped Minister’s Marriage Licence form (Page 2) to the Ministry of Justice, along with the following original or certified supporting documents for both parties: 

  1. Picture Identification (Passport, Driver’s Licence or Jamaica’s National Identification);
  2. Birth Certificate;
  3. Final Divorce Decree / Decree Absolute / Divorce Certificate (If applicable);
  4. Death Certificate of former spouse (If applicable); and
  5. Documents supporting any change of name (If applicable).
  6. Letter of Consent if you are 16 or 17 years of age. (Letter is required from your legal parent/guardian and is to be signed in the presence of and certified by a JP or Notary Public for overseas party). (If applicable).

[Where original documents are presented, a set of copied documents are also required for office purposes. If certified documents are submitted, clients may request that those be retained for office use or provide an additional set of documents for such purposes].

Marriage Licence










Please note that all documents presented must be in the English language. If originals are in another language they should be translated by certified translators whose certification of authenticity should be attached. (For assistance, persons from overseas may contact their Embassy locally; or any person who is a certified translator).


  • Persons living abroad who plan to get married in Jamaica are required to be on the island at least 24 hours before the marriage ceremony.
  • There is no restriction for persons who permanently reside on the island.


  • Once documents presented are found to be satisfactory the Minister’s Marriage Licence will be issued.
  • For Walk-In clients; documents submitted by 12.00 noon on business days may be processed within the same day or next business day. However, requests that include divorce that were granted locally may take up to 7 business days for processing. 

Opening Hours : 
Mondays – Thursdays 8:30am – 4:00pm
Fridays 8:30am – 3:00pm
Weekends and Public Holidays – Closed


  • The Licence is only valid in Jamaica.
  • The Licence expires 90 days after the date it was issued. If the Licence expires before it is used; the intended parties are required to reapply for a new licence.
  • The reapplication process entails: the submission of a new Form of Declaration duly authorized; newly stamped blank Minister’s Marriage Licence form  (Page 2) along with evidence of payment. The stamp duty fee may be transferred pending approval of the Commissioner General of Tax Administration Jamaica or new payment. 
  • Supporting documents that were previously submitted may be used. However, these documents are only applicable for reuse within 90 days after the expiration date of the original Licence.

After the Marriage Ceremony

The copy of the Marriage Register presented to you at your wedding is not a legal document and as such cannot be used to conduct business. You must obtain a certified copy of your Marriage Certificate at the Registrar General’s Department. (Visit: or call (876)-749 0550 for more information on how to obtain Certificate)

Other Information You Should Know

  • Any marriage solemnized between persons either of whom is under the age of sixteen (16) years shall be void.
  • No blood test is required.
  • Persons are encouraged to apply for their Licence long in advance of their wedding date to minimize any inconvenience that may arise from any eventualities.
  • For further details see our listing of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) click here

For further Details Contact:

Ministry of Justice, Commerce Gate,
61 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10,
Tel (876) 906-4923-31

Website :
Email :