Project Management and Technical Services Division

The Project Management and Technical Services Division is being positioned as an Enterprise Programme Management Office for the Ministry of Justice. It supports the Ministry and its affiliated Departments and Agency in achieving agreed strategic and operational objectives, through the application of a set of established methodologies, tools and techniques. Given its preeminence, the Division seeks to impact the Ministry in terms of:

  • improved project success rate
  • efficiency in resource allocation and management
  • use of frameworks to provide consistency in planning
  • organizational compliance and risk mitigation
  • enhanced financial transparency
  • accuracy of project performance reporting

The work of the PMTS Division is aligned with Sub-programme 1.2 of the Ministry’s Strategic Business Plan which focuses on Justice System Reform and Modernization. This sub-programme concentrates on the provision of adequate physical infrastructure to accelerate the reform process to enhance the public’s access to justice services, while at the same time maximising staff productivity, which are both imperatives for improving the timeliness and quality of justice services.

The Division is integral to the overall transformation of the justice sector and spearheads the institutional strengthening and infrastructural development of the sector. In so doing, it adopts and promotes modern practices in human capital development, operational efficiency and infusion of information and communication technologies in justice services. It also manages its projects to address various infrastructural gaps and is therefore fundamental in laying the foundation on which a more efficient and effective justice system can be developed. It is the Division’s duty to ensure the facilities are modern, fit-for-purpose, efficient, accessible to all, safe, well-appointed in appearance and reflect the values of the judiciary.

The programme of the Division is divided into four (4) major components:

  1. Institutional Projects
  2. Capital Works Projects (New Construction)
  3. Works Projects (Renovation and Retrofitting of Existing Infrastructure)
  4. Preventive Maintenance and Repairs


  • To provide leadership on the strategic direction, development, and execution of Capital Works and Institutional projects in the MoJ as well as the development of all special Programmes to support the Ministry in the pursuit of its reform agenda
  • To provide technical expertise and leadership on monitoring and evaluation activities geared towards tracking the efficiency of the Ministry’s projects
  • To provide oversight and ongoing monitoring of project activities so as to ensure compliance with established quality standards and design specifications 
  • To ensure that the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems within the Ministry, and affiliated Departments and Agency and Judge’s Residences are properly maintained
  • To execute effective contract management and administration, including the review of client RFP/RFQ solicitations to ensure compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and terms
  • To develop effective control mechanism, performance measures and standard procedures for the built environment projects so as to ensure efficient use of resources and compliance with GoJ’s regulations and guidelines
  • To develop and implement systems and procedures for handling security breaches and maintaining a safe environmen