Press Releases
AGD to Launch Public Education Campaign on Estate Management

Kingston, Jamaica. The Administrator-General’s Department (AGD) will this year launch a national public education campaign on estate management.
The announcement was made on Wednesday, July 11 during a meeting at the Ministry of Justice’s head office where the AGD’s Strategic Plan was signed and presented to the Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck.
MoJ Strengthens Partnership with Religious Fraternity to Continue the Delivery of Restorative Practices Training in Churches Island wide

Kingston, Jamaica. As the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) continues to promote peace and harmony by equipping individuals with conflict resolution tools, Minister of Justice, the Hon. Delroy Chuck is urging persons to create a culture of reconciliation.
“We are partnering with schools, churches and even more so with communities. We have an effective conflict resolution mechanism that can really solve a lot of the problems across Jamaica.
Persons with Disabilities encouraged to Access Justice Services at Kingston leg of Legal Aid Justice Fair

Kingston, Jamaica. Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in need of accessing justice and other government services are encouraged to visit the Legal Aid Council’s (LAC) Justice Fair for Persons with Disabilities being held this Friday, June 21, 2024 at the Emancipation Park, Kingston.
CSOs mobilized to help improve access to justice services by the Deaf and Children

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